821 支队伍
KDD Cup 2015
2015-05-01 - Launch
2015-07-11 - Team Merger Deadline
2015-07-12 - Close
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Jie Tang, KDD Cup Chair

Jie is an associate professor at Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University. He is known for the academic social network search system Arnetminer, which was launched in March 2006 and now has attracted 2,766,356 independent IP accesses from 220 countries. His research interests include social network theories, data mining methodologies, machine learning algorithms, and semantic web technologies. He obtained his Ph.D. in DCST of Tsinghua University in 2006.

Ron Bekkerman, KDD Cup Chair

Ron joined the Department of Information and Knowledge Management as a Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in October 2013. In 2012-2013 he served as Chief Data Officer of Carmel Ventures, the leading Israeli VC fund. He is an Advisory Board member of a number of Israeli startup companies. Prior to that, Ron worked as a Senior Research Scientist at LinkedIn, where he was among the founding members of LinkedIn’s Data Science team. Before LinkedIn, he was a Research Scientist at HP Labs in Palo Alto, CA.

Yufei Xue

Yufei is a postdoctoral researcher in Department of Computer Science and Technology of Tsinghua University. He obtained his PhD. in DCST of Tsinghua University in 2013. He works as a technical director at Online Education Office of Tsinghua University, where he was involved in the research and development of XuetangX platform since 2013.

Chenhui Zhang

Chenhui is a senior undergraduate student at Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University. His primary research interests lie in data mining, machine learning, social network analysis. He worked as a research intern at Knowledge Engineering Group at Tsinghua University, where he focused on the algorithms to sample representative users in social networks. He was also involved in the analysis and exploration of MOOC data.

Xiaochen Wang 

Xiaochen is a senior undergraduate student at Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University. His major research interest is data mining.

Xinyu Guan

Xinyu is the publisher of several computer media, include IEEE Computer Magazine (Chinese version). Previously he worked as the chief editor of MIT Technology Review China. 


Advisory Comittie 

Maosong Sun 

Kelvin Liu 

Fenghua Nie 





KDD Cup 2015

821 teams


Final Submissions

